Affiliate Email

Email Hyperlinks

You get paid when someone your Affiliate Partner refers to us becomes a student. We can track that through hyperlinks in your Affiliate Partner’s emails.  When someone opens their email and clicks on any hyperlink, banner, box or text they have produced in their affiliate management area then we know they sent them.  When the potential student registers with us you will be credited.  Even if it takes them 100 days to register you will still be credited for the new student and so will your Affiliate Partner.

Go to your Affiliate Management Area and to the “Marketing Materials” tab to see the Email Links.  Watch the video there for more information.

We recommend that email hyperlinks are placed at the top and bottom of every email send out.  At least every three months have your Affiliate Partner send out an email exclusively talking about

You are allowed to advertise by email.  We recommend that you build your own email list.

Here is training on Facebook advertising

Also, make sure you share with your audience that this link will help you.  It is a SEC law that people know you will be compensated if they enroll.  Let them know it does not cost them any more because you are helped.

We do not recommend you buy email lists and spam them.  Please do not spam the account of others or in groups by email.  Please follow proper anti-spamming laws.  Not adhering to this is cause for dismissal as an Affiliate of


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