Affiliate Creatives

Affiliate Tracking

You get paid when one of your Affiliate Partners refers a student to We track that through links in creatives on their website.  Creatives are Banners, Links, Text Boxes, videos or just about any method to link the student to the Affiliate Partner when the student registers with us.  This happens with a code in the banner or other creative.  That is how we can credit your Affiliate Partner and you for the new student.

When someone visits their site and clicks on any link, banner, box or text they have produced from their affiliate management area then we know they sent them.  When the person registers as a student with us, you will be credited and so will your Affiliate Partner.  Even if it takes the potential student 100 days to register you both will be credited for the new student.


Video training in the management area

Go to your Affiliate Management Area and click on the “Watch Training Videos” tab for more information.  Have your Affiliate Partners watch it also.  It will teach them how to paste the code on any page on their website.  If you don’t know how contact your webmaster for help.

We recommend that they place creatives on their most visited pages like their home page or contact page.


Also, make sure they share with their audience that this link will help their mission or ministry.

It is a must that people know Affiliate Partners will be compensated if people enroll at  Also, let the potential students know their tuition does not cost anything more by going through the Affiliate Partner’s link.


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